Content Marketing on a Budget

Content marketing budget pinching your brand growth?

If your content marketing budget is getting in the way of growing your brand, you need advice from those who’ve felt that pinch. Databox’s “Make the Most of Your Content Marketing Budget with These 44 Tips” is a great read and more than worth your time. And time is a foundational concern for small business owners. Foundation First’s own Michelle Tresemer brings to the table how to best use your time to content market on a tight budget.

Written by Jessica Malnik, the article assembles pro tips on how to content market when money is tight. Dozens of content marketers weigh in. Malnik examines content marketing costs and how much you should expect to spend. Fine, fine, you’re probably thinking. “I’ve got scant time and less cash.” Exactly! That’s why the 44 content marketing tips are largely about how to squeeze the most out of your content through intention, focus, optimization, and repurposing.

The 20/80 Solution

Attuned to the everyday realities of small B2B businesses, the ever-practical Michelle Tresemer talks about how to spend your content marketing time. “Spend 20% of your time creating the content and 80% distributing it.” That entails creating less (but high-quality) content, which should be repurposed, optimized, and distributed strategically. Get over the old post-it-and-forget-it approach. You’ve got to get that content out to where your ideal customers are!

If you are struggling with video in particular, here are some other tips to consider from UpCity »

Crowdsourcing–The Databox Approach

One interesting aspect of this blog piece is that it stands as an example of Tip #25: Crowdsource your content. “Do exactly what Databox does,” says Johan Hajji of Upperkey. “Get as many insights and quotes as possible. Do expert roundups. This will help you to save time and ultimately money if you’re on a budget.”

You’ll definitely want to bookmark this Databox expert roundup piece. Read it with your feet up and a pen in hand for notes. If you do, you’re investing your time for content marketing wisely!

And speaking of budgets…

if you’re struggling to find out where you are leaking money, Foundations First can help you with that. Our clients often come to us over budget issues. They feel like they’re throwing away money. Some pay out good money to agencies, but they don’t know what they’re getting for that investment. And very often, they’re paying for marketing tools that may or may not be doing them any good.

We staunch that budget bleed right away! We’ll help you figure out what’s missing or broken. We’ll work with you to find missing opportunities. And we’ll help you solve core inefficiencies and foundational problems. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to a doable, prioritized plan that won’t break your budget.

Schedule a consult today. We love helping companies save time and money!